
68 “Summer of Heat” activists arrested in New York for protesting Citgroup’s financing of fossil fuels

Dozens of activists were arrested Friday during a protest outside Citigroup's headquarters in New York, where demonstrators condemned what organizers called “megabank politics.”“Racist investments are devastating black and brown communities” and fueling the worsening climate emergency.

About 1,000 people, including environmental leaders from the Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana, gathered at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan's Financial District, where they rallied and marched to “demand that Wall Street stop funding fossil fuel projects that are causing environmental devastation in predominantly Black and brown communities in the Gulf South and around the world.”

The march ended at Citigroup headquarters on the western edge of Lower Manhattan, where organizers with New York Communities for Change said 68 people were arrested. The group said a total of 259 activists have been arrested during the ongoing Summer of Heat protests on Wall Street, which it has organized with Stop the Money Pipeline, Climate Defenders and Planet Over Profit.

“On Monday, Gulf South climate activists and their allies held a roadshow outside financial institutions that support the fossil fuel industry, including KKR, BlackRock, and Bank of America,” New York Communities for Change said. “On Wednesday, protesters staged a civil disobedience action outside insurance conglomerate Chubb, which insures climate-destroying petrochemical projects in the Gulf South and around the world.”

One of the organizers of the protest, Roishetta Ozane, founder of the Vessel Project of Louisiana— said that “projects that are killing our communities like Freeport LNG (liquefied natural gas), Cameron LNG, Corpus Christi LNG and others would not exist without the support of financial institutions like Citigroup.”

“The money they make us is blood money,” Ozane added. “Since they are destroying our homes, we come to visit them. We will end this cycle of violence and exploitation now, because later is too late. We want Citigroup to stop financing fossil fuels and stop harming our communities and our families.”

As Alec Connon, coordinator of Stop the Money Pipeline, explained in an opinion piece published earlier this month by Common dreams:

Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, Citi has provided $204.46 billion in financing to the fastest-developing new coal, oil and gas fields. more There is more money flowing into these oil and gas companies than JPMorgan Chase, the bank that environmental activists like to call the “Bank of Doom.”

To be clear, I'm only talking here about the financing that Citi has provided to growing companies new Oil and gas reserves should not be limited to infrastructure investments to continue to exploit existing reserves. When taking into account funding for all fossil fuel companies, Citi has provided just under $400 billion to coal, oil and gas companies since 2015.

Citigroup says it “supports the transition to a low-carbon economy through our net-zero commitments and our $1 trillion sustainable finance goal,” and that its “approach reflects the need for the transition while continuing to meet the world's energy needs.”

However, Climate Defenders director Marlena Fontes countered that “Citi's business model is frying our planet.”

“Every credible climate scientist says we can’t afford to invest another dime in fossil fuels, but Citi is the largest financier of fossil fuel development in the world,” Fontes added. “Until Citi stops financing fossil fuels, they can expect resistance from ordinary people like us, who want our kids to be able to play outside without coughing from wildfire smoke or getting sick from deadly heat waves.”

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